Monday, August 18, 2008

Flick Critique 01

I love watching movies may it be at home using the DVD player, by the computer or in front of the big screen. Kind of a movie buff, actually, so I thought why not make a corner in Spoon Lagoon designed to review movies that I've just seen. And tada! Flick Critique is born! This where I give my take on three movies I've recently watched and you could either agree or disagree with my review. And what better way to do that but to post a freakin' comment, yeah? Haha.

So for the premiere Flick Critique episode, let's have Cloverfield, Little Miss Sunshine and 27 dresses...

A. Cloverfield (2008) - This might just be my favorite movie of 2008. I have been waiting to see this movie since October 2007 and I should just say it was worth the wait. The movie was released early this year but I failed to watch in theaters so I waited for it on DVD. Cloverfield is America's answer to Japan's Godzilla and although the former is not as iconic, Clover (the monster) is gaining popularity little by little. Sure a lot of people say that the movie is Blairwitch-ish, but IMHO that's what makes the movie so great! You'd actually feel the urge to run with the characters away from Clover! Another complaint from movie buffs is that the movie lacks a really good story but I beg to disagree. This is a freakin' monster movie! We watch monster movies to see the monster thrash cities, demolish famous landmarks and kill stupid humans! And cloverfield did just that, baby!

B. Little Miss Sunshine (2006) - Oh, the fractured Hoover family. The movie is actually a feel good movie meant to be watched with who else...your family. I liked how director Jonathan Dayton characterized each member of the Hoover family. He made them appeal to the viewers as if they are your neighbors living a block away from you. each character has his own personal struggle may it be a failed career, depression from a break-up, or the need to unite a family. Performances worth noting are that of Alan Arkin and Steve Carell. Unfortunately, little miss sunshine Abigail Breslin failed to charm me with her acting. But over-all, this is a good movie with a heart.

C. 27 Dresses (2008) - Say what? Why would I watch Chic flicks like this? Well, because there's a DVD at home and I'm unemployed. Do the math. Haha. So 27 Dresses...well, what can I say? They don't make good romantic comedies anymore, yeah? Predictable. That's what this movie is and kind of reminiscent of that local Claudine Baretto flick. The movie follows the sacred "chic flick formula" where either the guy or the girl (in this case, the girl) chases her "soulmate" after realizing that he/she is in love with that person he is chasing and then a happy ending will surely follow. Tsk tsk tsk... the last great Chic flick I've watched is "13 Going on 30" and man that was 4 years ago.

By Joe with 2 comments

2 feedbacks:

it's a pity i haven't watched any of these films.yet.but i heard from a friend the 27 dresses is good. :)